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Parent/Student Letter 4/24

April 24, 2020 Dear Noble Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students, We hope you are all doing well. As Noble High School continues with remote/online learning, we are continuing to develop plans and processes to support students, families, and staff with this new way of learning. Most students are participating and doing very well, while others are struggling. Many students are faced with household upheaval, financial crisis, a lack of social interaction, and emotional distress. The Maine Department of Education has encouraged school districts to adopt a revised grading system that “does no harm” and takes into account the variety of conditions that are outside of students’ control. In response to these circumstances, we have two important policy updates to share: Grading Final grades will be posted as “Pass” or “Incomplete” for the second semester of this school year. This will not change any student’s grade point average. Note- Students previously enrolled in a course “Honors Option” remain eligible for honors notation on report cards/transcripts. Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2020 Due to the tremendous obstacles facing the senior class, students experiencing hardship who are unable to meet Noble High School’s regular graduation requirements may still be eligible to receive a diploma if they meet the "Current Maine Department of Education Minimum Graduation Requirements". Current Maine DOE Graduation Requirements - These requirements reflect the minimum required by the State in order for a school administrative unit (SAU) to award a high school diploma. English--4 years or the equivalent in standards achievement; Social studies and history, including American history, government, civics and personal finance--2 years or the equivalent in standards achievement; Mathematics--2 years or the equivalent in standards achievement; Science, including at least one year of laboratory study--2 years or the equivalent in standards achievement; and Fine arts, which may include art, music, forensics or drama--one year or the equivalent in standards achievement. We hope that these two measures will benefit all of our students during this difficult time. We encourage students to continue to put forth their best effort in completing their course work under these difficult circumstances. Sincerely, Joseph Findlay Principal

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