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Calendar Change 3.31.2020

March 31, 2020

Dear NOBLE students, families, and staff, I hope this email finds you well. While we all try to navigate uncharted waters, it's important that we continue to look for ways to hopefully improve the unknown challenges ahead of us. We cannot yet project when or if school will return to “normal” this year, but we can acknowledge the stressful impact students, families, and staff are experiencing as a result of so many factors right now. With the majority of these factors out of our control, District Administration is constantly working on strategies to hopefully help make our sudden switch to remote life more manageable.

To that end, this email concerns a change in the 2019-2020 calendar. Changes involving April break and the remaining calendar are being made in an attempt to: 1. continue the flow of education for students so that we do not lose them from the remote system after a typical spring break, 2. end the school year as early as possible in June to allow for significant cleaning and disinfecting of all touch surfaces (it's hard for Kevin's department to keep up at this time, as more custodial staff are under self-quarantine), and 3. allow students and families to have a longer summer break to recoup physical and emotional energy.

The end of the 2019-2020 calendar will be as follows.

● April 17 & 20, Patriots Day and the preceding Friday, will be no student /staff days. That allows a four-day respite.

● April 21, 22, 23, and 24 will be remote school student /staff days.

● May 22 & 25, Memorial Day and the preceding Friday, will be no student /staff days. That allows a second four-day respite.

The K-11 school year, whether we return to school or not this spring, will end on June 10 (half day). Graduation is still scheduled for June 12. (What graduation will look like at this moment in time remains to be determined.)

Later this spring I will write a waiver to Commissioner Makin requesting two days. (The Commissioner has already stated her intention to be flexible regarding waiver days.)

I regret any difficulties this communication may cause some families or employees; however, this decision is made with the best of care for over 3,500 people. The most important thing is that we remain physically healthy. Sanity comes next! I thank you in advance for your understanding of the goals for these calendar changes and the positive intentions behind our efforts. STAY NOBLE!

Be well,

Steve Connolly Superintendent of Schools

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