The Noble High School Theater department is once again hard at work to produce a terrific online production. We will present an evening of One Act Plays on February 26 and 27 at 7:00 pm. Tickets and information can be found on our theater website at:
The performance will consist of three short one act plays:
1) The Marriage proposal by Anton Chekhov directed by Jessica Miller
2) The Internet is Distract…OH LOOK A KITTEN!! by Ian McWethy directed by Autumn Rivas (NHS Alum)
3) # Viral (virtual version) by Maria McConville directed by Kelli Leigh-Ann Connors
The third play, Viral, will also be submitted to the Maine State One Act Festival in March.
Please consider supporting your NHS students by buying a virtual ticket today! In addition, the website also offers new NHS Theater merchandise including mugs, canvas bags and t-shirts. A portion of the sales of all merchandise will go to support the theater program.
Thank you! Kathy Fink, Producer