Dear Noble High School Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
This message is to get you and your student ready for our upcoming STAR testing. STAR is made up of a reading and a math test - each is usually about 20 minutes. These are online tests that our students take three times a year. This fall, we are going to have students take it remotely. We would like all of our grade 8, grade 9 and grade 10 students to take the tests on Wednesday, September 30th during the remote work time.
Please see the attached instructions document, which includes a video on how to (1) log on, (2) how to pause tests, and (3) other info you may need for testing. This information will also be emailed to the students on the morning of each test. Most students are familiar with this test and it will be quick for them to login. Please read over the instructions and watch the video if you feel your student may need some support.
In order for your child to have the best testing environment possible, please have them test in a quiet place. For the math test, make sure they have a paper and pencil for working out problems. This is a standardized test, and we want all students to have the same level of support. We know that parent(s)/guardian(s) may want to help, but please do not read anything to your student(s) or help them with any problems. If they ask for help, just say, “Try your best.” The test adjusts to them as they take it, so it is normal for students to get some questions wrong and some questions right. The test also has a timer that pops up in the last 10 seconds, indicating that the student should answer and move on to the next question. The test usually takes about 20 minutes to complete, but some students may take double that time.
If you have any issues or questions please contact assistant principal, AJ Dufort (
Thank you for making this the best experience possible for your student.